When the installation is done, you should see a dialog box that says 'Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 Update 7 Successfully Installed'.The JRE installation will run much like the JDK installation did.You will see another Custom Setup dialog box, and again, you don't need to make any changes, so just click Next.
After the JDK finishes installing, the installer will try to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JDK installation will begin, and you should see a progress bar. In the Custom Setup dialog box, you don't need to make any changes, so just click Next. In the License Agreement dialog box, click the Accept button. Double-click on the file once it's on your Desktop, and the script will take you through the steps for installing the Java SDK. Installing the JDK JDK If you have not already downloaded the Java SDK installer, download jdk-6u7-windows-i586-p.exe to your Desktop (it's a big file, 77MB). Once you have successfully uninstalled the older version of the JDK, proceed with the rest of the instructions. You may then be asked to reboot your computer. A box will appear, click Yes to continue uninstalling the software. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs and click on the version of the JDK you want to uninstall. If you previously installed an older version of the JDK, you will need to uninstall this software. According to “jGRASP is a lightweight development environment, created specifically to provide automatic generation of software visualizations to improve the comprehensibility of software”. In order to run a program, you need to activate the window with the file that contains the main method, and then you can run the program. JGRASP identifies that this file depends on other files, and it will compile those automatically for you.java files without a main method cannot be executed. Introduction to jGRASP - opening files, compiling and running programs, adding line numbers, generating the control structure diagram (CSD), and running prog. To get started: Run jGRASP (by clicking or double-clicking on the icon on your desktop. For this lab you will be using the text editor in the integrated development environment (IDE) call jGRASP.
And most programmers have their personal favorite. Starting jGRASP: There are many different text editors. An empty white text window should appear in jGRASP. In jGRASP, create a new Java program: Click File → New → Java from the top menu. Run the jGRASP editor from the Start Menu of the lab computer (or run it from your own laptop, if you brought one).